MCR Committee
The MCR has an elected Committee. The MCR Committee represents the interests of Balliol College graduate students. The Committee lobbies on the graduate students’ behalf vis-a-vis the College administration. The Committee endeavours to make the Graduate Centre a lively and friendly place by organising social events and fostering an inclusive community spirit.
For the names and contact details of the current officers, please see the this page. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask any of member of the MCR Committee.
Image: Rob Judges
The positions are listed below:
The President chairs both MCR Committee Meetings and General Meetings, represents the MCR to the College and ensures that all officers and representatives of the MCR Committee fulfil their constitutional and mandated duties. The President takes ultimate responsibility for the administration of the MCR. Feel free to contact the MCR President at any time.
Vice President
Together with the President the VP represents the MCR to the College. Further, the VP is responsible for concerns/suggestions to domestic matters, such as cleaning, food in hall. The VP also arranges the supply of newspapers and periodicals to which the MCR subscribes. The VP may make executive decisions for the MCR when the President is incapacitated.
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions of the MCR.
The Secretary prepares and distributes the agenda and minutes for all MCR Committee Meetings, sends a weekly newsletter to members of the MCR, and keeps an up-to-date copy of the Constitution and distributes it to MCR Members.
Social Secretaries
The Social Secretaries co-ordinate the organisation of MCR social events. New residents are encouraged to help with the implementation of these activities.
Bar Managers
The Bar Managers are responsible for all things relating to the running of the Megaron. This includes handling the bar account, choosing and ordering stock, recruiting and organising the Bar Committee, and coordinating social events with the Social Secretaries.
Arts and Research Officer
The Arts and Research Officer has the role of choosing arts events and securing subsidised tickets to concerts, films, exhibitions and plays. They also organise events and forums for discussing research in the MCR. Through the Library Committee and the Arts and Chattels committee they present the views of the MCR to the college and report back to the MCR at meetings.
Environmental Officers
The Environmental Officers are responsible for making the MCR (and college at large) more environmentally friendly. They make sure all the sustainability ideas that other students might bring up are supported with MCR resources, and tend to those projects from previous environmental officers which might still be ongoing.
IT Officer
The IT officer is in charge of keeping the MCR website up-to-date and managing the mailing list subscriptions and permissions. Note that this is not the same as the ICT Technical Manager who is appointed by College to help you set up your network connection etc.
Living Out Officer
The Living Out Rep ensures that the interests of graduates living outside of the Manor are taken into account by the MCR Committee.
Sports Officer
The Sports officer is responsible for coordinating all sports related efforts within the MCR, organising sports related events, making sure the gym equipment is working properly and attending the Sports committee meetings in College.
Food Officer
The Food Officer organises food for General Meetings and other events, and liaises with the College to ensure members’ dietary requirements are well supported.
Oxmas Officer
The Oxmas Officer organises holiday-related social events including events between Michaelmas and Hilary terms.
Welfare Officers
The role of Welfare Officers involves running regular welfare teas, organising additional welfare events (such as welfare brunches, massages etc.) and managing the Welfare budget. They are also a point of contact for graduate welfare which involves being open to listen to the woes of your fellow students, being vigilant of any issues that might affect graduates and directing people to the appropriate avenues if they need any additional help.
Women's Officer
The Women's Officer ensures that women feel comfortable at the Manor and are represented adequately on the MCR Committee.
Equalities Officer – Disabilities
The Disabilities Officer acts as a source of information and representation for all of the MCR community who have a disability, physical or psychological, visible or invisible, as well as those with developmental differences and specific learning difficulties.
Equalities Officer – Ethnic Minorities
The Ethnic Minorities Officer is responsible for planing events for the MCR throughout the year to celebrate different global festivals and holidays. They also attend the Equalities and Welfare meetings with College and can act as a point of contact for college if there are students who would like to speak to someone about related issues.
Equalities Officer – LGBTQ+ (Sexuality)
The LGBTQ+ officer is responsible for representing and promoting the interests of the MCR’s LGBTQ+ community, with a focus on sexuality.
Equalities Officer – LGBTQ+ (Gender)
The LGBTQ+ officer is responsible for representing and promoting the interests of the MCR’s LGBTQ+ community, with a focus on gender.